Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

Resapan dan Plesetan Kata dari dan ke Bahasa Indonesia

Saya sedang ingin menulis topik yang ringan,
yaitu soal resapan bahasa, tapi ini tidak berdasarkan bukti ilmiah, hanya asumsi dan audio saja silahkan kalau ada kritik dan masukan :)
kayaknya ada beberapa resapan Bahasa Indonesia-Inggris di antaranya:

1. Late = terlambat,
 diserap jadi -> lelet
mungkin dulunya ada orang Indonesia yang mendengarkan orang berbahasa Inggris yang memberikan komentar pada rekannya yang telat dengan bilang, "You are so late"nah yang ketangkep hanya "late (let)", maka saat dipakai jadi "lelet"

2. Appailing = mengerikan, menjijikan,
diserap jadi-> paling / pangling
mungkin dulu ada orang Indonesia di Jakarta yang mendengar orang Inggris sedang berkomentar "appailing" karena ngeri / terkejut/ gempar nah dipakai orang Jakarta jadi "paling"
- Paling2 banget ya die, sambiil menggelengkan kepala
- Eh  aye liat dia jadi pangling

3. Sink = tenggelam,
diserap jadi ->  puSING
mungkin karena ada orang Indonesia yang ngeliat orang berbahasa Inggris lagi kebingungan ngomong kata Sink, terus ditiru pas ngomong pusing

4. Redundant = mubazir /berlebih-lebihan
diserap jadi -> DANDAN
karena dibaca seperti ridandan, sehingga kalau ada orang yang bermake-up atau berlebihan jadi dibilang DANDAN.

5. Agile = cekatan
diserap jadi -&gt: E-Jail
karena dibaca e-jaeil, jadi mungkin dulu ada orang Indonesia yang melihat orang yang berbahasa Inggris, diperlakukan dengan cekatan, tangkas gitu spontan dibilang oleh orang yang berbahasa Inggris (Agile) tapi terdengar e-jail, Jadi asal muasal jahil deh..

ada yang mau menambahkan?

Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

World PHoto Contest : Garuda Indonesia

Guys, join this if u has passion in photograph

Garuda Indonesia World PHoto Cntest 2013, dont miss it
just click the link and goodluck :)

Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

Jewish Christian Muslim (JCMA) Winter Conference 2013

Hi guys, for you who has passion and love interfaith dialogues, here is it invitation from JCMA secretariat

Application information. This year’s JCMA Winter Conference is being held from Sunday to Wednesday, August 18 to 21, 2013. (These dates are a month later than usual as the normal July period clashes this year with Ramadan.) The conference is once again being held at Pallotti College.
Applications for the conference are now open. The maximum number we can accommodate at Pallotti is 70 people so we encourage members of the three faith communities interested in attending to apply as early as possible. The conference is open to both men and women.
The conference brochure is attached.
If you wish to book on-line (our preferred mode of booking), you can do so at www.trybooking.com/CFGA
If you wish to apply by mail, you can download an application form from www.jcma.org.au/2013conf-appform.pdf
Additional information.  Chairing of the conference committee rotates annually around the three faiths. This year’s chair is Dr Paul Gardner, a founding member of JCMA and one of only three people who have attended every JCMA winter conference since the first was held in 2004.

2013 Conference Chair Dr Paul Gardner
“In exploring the theme of this year’s conference – the great difficulty in saying ‘Sorry!’ – we will examine the related concepts of repentance and forgiveness,” Dr Gardner said. “What do these terms mean in our three faiths?  How are they expressed in our texts and in our prayers and rituals?  How do these ideas relate to our daily lives in modern times?”
As usual, the conference program will offer a stimulating mix of activities. “The Conference Committee is already busily planning sessions which will include presentations by individual speakers, panels, and small-group discussions,” Dr Gardner explained.  “Of course, some of the most valuable experiences at our conferences occur informally, over meals and in the evenings, when old friends meet and new friendships are made.” 
Potential applicants who would like further information can contact the conference booking officer, Helen Gardner, by email at winterconference@jcma.org.au or the JCMA office by phone  (03) 9287 5590 , mobile 0400 211 221, or email at executiveofficer@jcma.org.au