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berikut info Konferensi pada bulan Oktober 2012, tertarik?
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Warmest Regards
International Conference on Futurology – II:
“Getting Ready for the Next Revolutions: World Experts Discuss New Forces
and Power Shifts that are Changing Governments, Businesses and Societies.”
XXI Ballrom Djakarta Theater
Jakarta, October 20, 2012
Second Conference on Futurology is aimed at providing a forum for
fashionable interactions with innovative international and Indonesian
experts to discuss engagingly the prediction of global trends in the
next two to three decades. The one-day conference will allow speakers
and participants to explore new ideas and innovations, through direct,
open, and inspiring discussions in a showbiz-style setting.
speakers will highlight their perspectives on the future trends of
geopolitics, energy, technology, innovation, diplomacy, military,
entrepreneurship, innovations, architecture, media, technology, power
shifts, demographic power, and other features that will impact the 21st
Century. The Conference will also provide a forum for intellectual
interactions to project Indonesia’s future roles as an emerging economic
powerhouse. The speakers are expected to raise the possible scenarios
which Indonesia needs to know, anticipate and be prepared to face.
International Conference on Futurology this year will also present a
number of new ideas and innovations developed by distinghuished
Indonesian Diaspora Network members.
Dress code: Business Attire/Batik
10.00 – 10.45 : Registration for morning session (Session I and II)
11.00 – 12.00 : Session-I
Ø Redefining Progress and Development in the 21st Century
H.E. Mr. Gita Wirjawan, Indonesian Minister of Trade
Ø Global Trends 2030
Terrence Markin, National Intelligence Council
Ø The Future of Indonesia Inc.
Chairul Tandjung, Chairman & Founder, CT Group
12.00 - 13.00 : Session-II
Ø The Future of Travel
R. Boyce, President of BOEING Southeast Asia
Ø The Future of Hybrid Cars
Dr. Danet Suryatama, Electrikcar LLC, Indonesian Diaspora Network
Ø Introducing GuestHub: A New Digital Invention to Help Boost
Marketing by Indonesian Diaspora
Edy Sulistyo, Co-Founder GuestHub, Indonesian Diaspora Network
Ø How Digital Data Collection will Change the Future of World’s
Commerce and Energy Consumptions
Dr. George Anwar, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Berkeley, Indonesian
Diaspora Network
13.00 : End of Morning Sessions
13.00 - 14.00 : Lunch, Networking Break, Registration for Afternoon Sessions (III & IV)
14.00 – 15.00 : Session-III
Ø Smart Cities
Shyam Mamidi, Global Business Services IBM ASEAN
Ø Superkampung Jakarta 2045: The Leap of the Urban Poor
Daliana Suryawinata, Chief Officer of Indonesian-European Union, Architects
Association, Curator at Open City Jakarta & Batam, Lecturer at The Why
Factory,Indonesian Diaspora Network
Ø The Future of Finance
Niki Manby, Head of Emerging Products and Innovation, VISA
Ø The Future of Youth
Nicholas Saputra, Actor
15.00 - 16.00 : Session - IV
Ø The Future of Cyber Security
Frances Townsend, Former Counter Terrorism and Homeland
Security Advisory to President George W. Bush.
Ø The Future of Warfare
Mayor Inf. Agus Yudhoyono, former member of UN Peacekeeping Force
in Lebanon (UNIFIL), Indonesian National Armed Force
Ø The Rise of Asia: Its Geopolitics Implications
Dr. Jagdish Sheth, author of Chindia Rising
Ø Five Things You Need to know to Survive the 21st Century
Dr. Dino Patti Djalal, Indonesian Ambassador to the US
16.00 : End of program